
Carlos Gradín










--> Er (version 1.1): module to compute Esteban and Ray measure of polarization (Esteban and Ray, Econometica, 1994) for different values of alpha (degree of sensitivity to polarization).

For installing, write in the command line in Stata:. ssc install er, all

--> Rq (version 1.1): module to compute Reynal-Querol index of ethnic polarization (J of Conflict Resolution, 2002).

For installing, write in the command line in Stata:. ssc install rq, all



--> Povtime (version 1.0): module to compute aggregate intertemporal poverty measures (poverty in a panel accounting for time)

Stata code for computing aggregate intertemporal poverty measures (poverty accounting for time) in a balanced panel of individuals. The program computes the family of FGT-type poverty measures proposed in Gradín, del Río, and Cantó (Measuring poverty accounting for time, Review of Income and Wealth, 2012) and some descriptive statistics. Other measures such as Foster (2007, 2009) and Bossert, D'Ambrosio and Chakravarty (JOEI 2012) can be obtained as particular cases of this general family.

For installing the module, from the command line in Stata run: ssc install povtime, all.

It works with Stata 7 or higer. With the povtime.dta file you can run the examples in the help files, only  for illustration purposes.

See a brief presentation at IDEAS





--> Segregation (version 2.2 April 2015): module to compute segregation indices either in the two-group case or in a multigroup context, consisting of two codes.


Both modules can use either individual data or data aggregated by units.


Optionally, both modules draw the corresponding segregation curves.


------> Localseg

Stata code for measuring local and overall segregation indices based on Alonso-Villar, O. and C. Del Río (2010), "Local versus Overall Segregation Measures", Mathematical Social Sciences, 60(1): 30-38. For an application see: "The extent of occupational segregation in the US: Differences by race, ethnicity, and gender", Industrial Relations 51(2): 179-212, 2012.

-----> Dicseg

Stata code for measuring several segregation indices in a two-groups context. For formulae, see "Measuring Segrgeation Using Stata: The two-group case". For an application see: "Conditional occupational segregation of minorities in the U.S.", Journal of Economic Inequality, 11(4): 473-493, 2013.

For installing the module, from the command line in Stata run: ssc install segregation , all.

Both codes require to have matsort.ado written by Paul Millar previously installed and Stata 10 or higher: ssc install matsort  , all

With the segdata.dta file you can run the examples in the help files, only  for illustration purposes.



--> Unemp (version 1.0): module to compute aggregate households employment deprivation measures which are sensitive to the distribution of employment among deprived households.

Stata code for computing aggregate households employment deprivation measures which are sensitive to the distribution of employment among deprived households. The individual gap in employment can either be a dummy (1 if unemployed, 0 if employed) or a continuous variable (i.e. relative gap in hours worked with respect to whished hours). The program computes the family of FGT-type unemployment measures at the household level proposed in Gradin, Canto, and Del Rio, "Measuring employment deprivation in the EU using a household-level index", forthcoming in the Review of Economics of the Household. It first computes a household-level deprivation measure and then aggregates across all target households.

For installing the module, from the command line in Stata run: ssc install unemp, all.

It works with Stata 7 or higer. With the unemp.dta file you can run the examples in the help files, only  for illustration purposes.