Previous publications
Occupational segregation by race in South Africa after apartheid, Review of Development Economics, 23(2): 553-576, 2019 Research review (VOX.LACEA)
(Open Access)
Introduction to Special Issue on: ‘Inequalities in the Least Developed Countries – Some Lessons from Africa’, South African Journal of Economics 87(2): 87-90, 2019 (with Finn Tarp)
(Open Access)
Gender inequality in employment in Mozambique, South African Journal of Economics 87(2): 180-199, 2019 (with Finn Tarp)
(Open Access)
Investigating growing inequality in Mozambique, South African Journal of Economics 87(2): 110-138, 2019 (with Finn Tarp) (Open Access)
Poverty over time: Empirical findings, C. D'Ambrosio (ed.), Handbook of Research on Economic and Social Well-being, Edward Elgar, 2018 (with Coral del Río and Olga Cantó)
Explaining cross-state earnings inequality differentials in India: An RIF decomposition approach, WIDER Working Paper 24/2018
Measuring employment deprivation in the EU using a household-level index, Review of Economics of the Household 15(2): 639-667, 2017 (with Olga Cantó and Coral del Río) (see Stata code unemp.ado)
Poverty and Ethnicity in Asian Countries, J. Silber and G. Wan (eds.), The Asian “Poverty Miracle”: Impressive Accomplishments or Incomplete Achievements, Edward Elgar, 2016
Why is income inequality so high in Spain?, Research in Labor Economics, 'Inequality around the World', edited by Lorenzo Cappellari, Solomon W. Polachek, and Konstantinos Tatsiramos, 44: 109-177, 2016.
Race, Ethnicity, Immigration, and Living Conditions in Costa Rica, Review of Income and Wealth 62, Supplement 1, S90-S119, 2016
Poverty and Ethnicity among Black South Africans, European Journal of Development Research, 27 (5): 921-942, 2015
Rural Poverty and Ethnicity in China, Research on Economic Inequality, 23: 221-247, 2015
Occupational segregation by race and ethnicity in the US: Differences across states, Regional Studies, 49(10): 1621-1638, 2015 (with Olga Alonso-Villar and Coral del Río) (see Stata code localseg.ado)
Unemployment and spell duration during the Great Recession in the EU, International Journal of Manpower, 36(2): 216-235, 2015 (with Coral del Río and Olga Cantó)
Race and income distribution: Evidence from the USA, Brazil and South Africa, Review of Development Economics, 18(1): 73-92, 2014
Conditional occupational segregation of minorities in the U.S., Journal of Economic Inequality, 11(4): 473-493, 2013 (see Stata code dicseg.ado)
Self-employment in Spain: Transition and earnings differential, Revista de Economía Aplicada, 62(21): 61-69, 2013 (with Gema Álvarez and M. Soledad Otero)
Occupational segregation of Hispanics in U.S. metropolitan areas, Applied Economics, 45(30): 4298-4307, 2013 (with Olga Alonso-Villar and Coral del Río)
Race, poverty, and deprivation in South Africa, Journal of African Economies, 22(2): 187-238, 2013
El desempleo de inmigrantes, mujeres y jóvenes, in J. Ruíz-Huerta (ed.) 1º Informe sobre la desigualdad en España, Fundación Alternativas, 2013, Madrid: 135-191
Occupational Segregation of Afro-Latinos, Research on Economic Inequality, 20: 63-90, 2012 (2012 winner of the IPUMS-International Research Award)
Measuring poverty accounting for time, Review of Income and Wealth, 58(2): 330-354, 2012 (with Coral del Río and Olga Cantó)
The Extent of Occupational Segregation in the United States: Differences by Race, Ethnicity, and Gender, Industrial Relations, 51(2): 179-212, 2012 (with Olga Alonso-Villar and Coral del Río) (see Stata code localseg.ado)
Why are child poverty rates so persistently high in Spain?, The Manchester School, 80(1): 117-143, 2012 (with Olga Cantó)
Poverty among minorities in the United States: Explaining the racial poverty gap for Blacks and Latinos, Applied Economics, 44(29): 3793-3804, 2012
Pobreza crónica, transitoria y recurrente en España, Revista de Economía Aplicada, XX(58): 69-94, 2012 (with Coral del Río and Olga Cantó)
The measurement of gender wage discrimination: The distributional approach revisited, Journal of Economic Inequality, 9(1): 57-86, 2011 (with Coral del Río and Olga Cantó)
Review of "Maria Cancian and Sheldon, Danziger (Eds.): Changing Poverty, Changing Policies. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2009. 422 pp", European Sociological Review, 27(3): 416-417, 2011
Gender Wage Discrimination and Poverty in the EU, Feminist Economics, 16(2): 73-109, 2010 (with Coral del Río and Olga Cantó)
Why Is Poverty So High Among Afro-Brazilians? A Decomposition Analysis of the Racial Poverty Gap, Journal of Development Studies, 45(9): 1-38, 2009
Aspectos distributivos de las diferencias salariales por razón de género en España: Un análisis por subgrupos poblacionales, Hacienda Pública / Revista de Economía Pública, 189(2): 9-46, 2009 (with Coral del Río)
Inequality, poverty and mobility: Choosing income or consumption as welfare indicators, Investigaciones Económicas, XXXII(1): 1-31, 2008 (with Olga Cantó and Coral del Río)
Pobreza y discriminación salarial por razón de género en España, Hacienda Pública / Revista de Economía Pública, 184(1): 67-98, 2008 (with Coral del Río and Olga Cantó)
What helps households with children in leaving poverty? Evidence from Spain, Research on Economic Inequality, 14: 1-29, 2007 (with Olga Cantó and Coral del Río)
An Extension of a Measure of Polarization, with an application to the income distribution of five OECD countries, Journal of Economic Inequality, 5(1): 1-19, 2007 (with Joan Esteban and Debraj Ray)
La distribución de la renta en Galicia en el marco de la Eurorregión, Papeles de Economía Española, Economía de las CCAA, 22, Galicia y Norte de Portugal, 2007 (with Coral del Río y Olga Cantó)
Determinantes socioeconómicos da lingua: o caso do galego, Revista Galega de Economía, vol. 16 (1):.155-172, 2007 (in Spanish)
Poverty Statics and Dynamics: Does the accounting period matter?, International Journal of Social Welfare, 15(3): 209-218, 2006 (with Olga Cantó and Coral del Río)
Income distribution and income sources in Uruguay, Journal of Applied Economics, vol. IX(1): 49-69, 2006 (with Máximo Rossi)
Desigualdade, Pobreza e Territorio en Galicia, Informe de Coxuntura da Economía Galega, 4º Trimestre, Centro de Investigación Económica y Financiera (CIEF)-Fundación Caixa Galicia, pp. 39-46, 2006 (with Coral del Río e Olga Cantó)
Aspectos conceptuales en la medición de la desigualdad y la pobreza económica, SEMATA - Ciencias Sociais e Humanidades, 16: 59-78, 2004 (with Olga Cantó and Coral del Río)
Income Distribution and Social Exclusion of children. Evidence from Italy and Spain in the 1990s, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, XXXIV(3): 479-495, 2003 (with Conchita D'Ambrosio)
La Evolución de la pobreza estática y dinámica en España en el período 1985-1995, Hacienda Pública Española / Revista de Economía Pública, 167(4): 87-119, 2003 (with Olga Cantó and Coral del Río)
A distribución da renda en Galicia: balance das tres últimas décadas, Revista Galega de Ciencias Sociais, 1: 41-56, 2003 (with Coral del Río)
Polarization and Inequality in Spain: 1973-91, Journal of Income Distribution, 11(1-2): 34-52, 2002
La política fiscal en España durante el periodo 1982-1996, Hacienda Pública Española, monográfico "Historia de la Hacienda en el Siglo XX", 253-288, 2002 (with Alberto Gago, Olga Cantó and Coral del Río)
Cuantificación e caracterización da pobreza económica en Galicia, en Lago, S. e Del Río, C. (ed.), Pobreza e Inclusión Social en Galicia, Documentos de Traballo, Xornadas do IDEGA, nº 1, Instituto Universitario de Estudios e Desenvolvemento de Galicia (IDEGA), Santiago de Compostela, 53-68, 2002
Participación Laboral Femenina en España: Efectos sobre la Desigualdad en la Renta Familiar, Ekonomiaz, 47, II/01, 226-247, 2001 (with Marisol Otero)
Segregación ocupacional en España: una perspectiva territorial, Hacienda Pública Española, 159(4): 163-190, 2001 (with Marisol Otero)
Polarización y Desigualdad en Galicia y España, un Análisis Comparativo, Revista de Estudios Regionales, 59 (1): 45-68, 2001
Polarization by Sub-populations in Spain, 1973-91, Review of Income and Wealth, 46(4): 457-474, 2000
Polarización y Desigualdad Salarial en Uruguay, 1986-1997, El Trimestre Económico, 267, vol. LXVII (3): 421-443, 2000 (with Máximo Rossi)
La situación de los estudios sobre pobreza y desigualdad en España, Cuadernos de Gobierno y Administración, 2, Pobreza y Desigualdad en España: enfoques, fuentes y acción pública, 25-94, 2000 (with Olga Cantó y Coral del Río) |